Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bring on summer!

I thought once school ended that things would start to slow down a little bit for our family - boy was I wrong! The girls are both playing t-ball this summer (on the same team thankfully) so we've been running back and forth to practice twice a week and games haven't even started yet! VBS is next week, church camp is the following week, and then we have a much-anticipated break for a few weeks before we start getting things ready for the county fair. We'll have to add swimming lessons in there sometime too but I haven't heard when they're being offered locally yet.

We're planning our annual family vacation for sometime in August, depending on when school starts. That calendar is still being debated so we're biding our time waiting for the district to make a decision. I think we've decided to go to Colorado Springs for our vacation time. We've done Oklahoma and Texas in the past few years and after Paul went to a work retreat in CO Springs he decided that it would be a neat place to go back and visit as a family. I haven't researched the area much, but I have heard that it has a fantastic zoo, beautiful scenery, and some good shopping. Sounds perfect to me! :) I always look forward to our vacation time, as it's the longest amount of time we get to spend together during the year uninterrupted by anything else. It's so nice to just spend the time being a family without juggling a million other things during the day.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Look Back at May

May has been a whirlwind of activity for our family. The end of soccer season, field trips, field days, picnics, the beginning of t-ball season, school programs, church activities and on and on . . . and we've still got a lot of things before the month is over.

Still to come is a super fun Memorial Day weekend and Corbin's 7th birthday party. She has picked a luau theme and wants grass skirts and the whole thing. I can hardly wait to get it all put together and watch them enjoying the party. :) She finished the first grade with flying colors, loves to read, draw, craft, and color.

Camryn just finished her first year of preschool. I'm amazed that all that she's learned throughout the year. She can write her name, count as high as you ask her to count, and say the Pledge of Allegiance. She's excited to go into the 4 year old program and is dying to learn to read!

Callan is just amazing. He learns new words and new things every day and brings joy to our lives. He's trying to drag us into potty training way before mom and dad are ready too. It's been about a month now that he's shown interest in pottying so we've just about decided to give in and get moving on it. Seems a little backwards, doesn't it? ;)

That's our May in a nutshell - a very big nutshell! :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

FOBTY May 14

In honor of George Lucas' birthday, I took the "Star Wars Name" quiz. Here are the results. lol

Your Star Wars Name Is Heasm Comed

Your Star Wars Title Is Hticho of Luap

Monday, May 11, 2009

FOBTY May 7 - What part of spring are you?

I loved this quiz and the results are really pretty on target! :)

You Are Blooming Flowers

You are an optimistic person by nature. In even the darkest times, you are hopeful about the future.

You feel truly blessed in life and can sometimes be overwhelmed with emotions.

You have an artist's eye. You are always looking for beauty in the mundane.

You have a good sense of aesthetics, especially when it comes to shapes and color.