Thursday, October 30, 2008

FOBTY: What your cute monster says about you!

I am a cute, white furry monster. :) This is what my monster says about me. :)

What Your Cute Monster Says About You

You are a simply happy person. You still view the world with a childlike innocence.

You have an easy going attitude, and you value harmony. You love freely and inspire others to love.

You inner demon is frailty. You are easily beaten down by life.

People think you're cute because you are optimistic. Your outlook on life is charming.

FOBTY: What your jack-o-lantern says about you!

This works - except that I do NOT share my PB cups with anyone! lol

What Your Jack-o-Lantern Says

You are a gleeful, exuberant person.

You enjoy a good party, and you even enjoy a good brawl.

This Halloween, there is no question what you should be... a pirate!

The candy you should give out: peanut butter cups

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What's your ice cream flavor?

Yep, I think this is pretty on-target. :)

Your Ice Cream Personality:

You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.

You have a wild reputation, but you're not as wild as you seem. You take risks, but only measured risks.

You are a somewhat open minded person, but deep down you're fairly conservative. You don't like trying new things very much. And if you do find something new you like, you stick with it.

You tend to have a one track mind. You prefer not to multitask.

You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way

And a Halloween layout too . . .

Here are my sweet superheroes from last Halloween. Superman, Supergirl and Wonder Woman (perfectly pink of course!) are here to bring you a smile today! :)

I had such a hard time picking their costumes this year. I am big on theming the kids but Corbin is getting to the age where she'd rather pick her costume than let me do it. Dang! :) We finally settled on a cute pumpkin-esque costume for her called Pumpkin Spice. The pumpkin-shaped wig made the decision for her. LOL Camryn is going to be a black cat of our own creation, complete with a black and pink tutu and maribou on her wrists and neckline. Callan is going to be a little devil - and probably the cutest little devil you've ever seen! We even got him a little pitchfork to carry - which he promptly started carrying around the house and using as a weapon against his sisters. He's such a BOY! :p

FOB2Y - Which Halloween candy are you?

Halloween Candy Quiz

Halloween Candy Quiz

You are a Lollypop

Like the Lollypop you are sweet and lickable;)

Find out which Halloween Candy you are at

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Since I'm here . . .

I might as well share a couple of layouts that I've done recently. We visited the pumpkin patch last weekend for the first time ever. We were lucky enough to share the day with family - my sister-in-law and her two kids, and another sister-in-law, her husband, and their daughter. We had such a good time going on a hayrack ride, picking our pumpkins, having rubber duck races, building our own scarecrows and seeing the animals in the petting zoo. Needless to say, the pics from the pumpkin patch have been my scrapping inspiration this week. :) Here are a few:

And here's one that I did of Corbin and her cousin Bailea at the homecoming football game a couple of weeks ago. Corbin just adores this layout and made me print one for her to keep in her room.

Fast Food Fantasies

Well, you can always count on a new FOB2Y bringing me back to my blog. I've been slacking this past week. I could blame it on being busy (which we were!) but more likely I was just avoiding it because I never know what to talk about. But today we'll be discussing one of my favorite topics - FOOD! :) This week's FOB2Y question was all about fast food - namely what is my favorite fast food? I had to think about this for a bit because there are so many that I love but I think my #1 has to be Sonic. You just can't beat a bacon cheeseburger and onion rings with a Diet Coke chaser. :) Lucky for me the closest one is 30 minutes away so I don't blow my diet there every day!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

FOB2Y - How fast can you type?

I did pretty well I think for first thing in the morning. LOL This was fun and addicting and I'm sure I'll be trying again and again to improve my score. :)

73 words


So how fast can you type?

Friday, September 19, 2008

FOB2Y - Apparently I could be a vampire!

Who knew? No wonder I liked the Twilight series so much! :)

You Could Be a Vampire... If You Had To

Like most people, the thought of being a vampire has crossed your mind. But you're not sure if you'd do it, even if you could.

Living forever doesn't sound half bad, if you could live forever with the people you love the most.

But do vampires even love? And would the vampire version of you even be you?

It's all too much to contemplate. Luckily, the chances of you ever becoming a vampire are astronomically low.

What you would like best about being a vampire: Living forever

What you would like least about being a vampire: Blood stained teeth

I'm hacked.

I was going to blog about this last night but I decided I'd better let myself cool down a bit before I started in. lol So yesterday morning I heard from our babysitter that a third grade student had brought a gun to school on Wednesday. No way, she must be mistaken, right? When I dropped Camryn off at preschool, one of the teachers who also happens to be the mom of twin girls in Corbin's first grade class, asked me if I'd heard about the gun being brought to school on Wednesday. Ummmm, NO! Apparently there were a bunch of parents at the school Thursday morning because they'd heard through the grapevine what had happened. Oh, and better yet, it was on the NEWS already!

Anyway, Corbin came home from school yesterday with a note from the principal. It basically read like this: We had a weapons violation at the school on Wednesday. An unloaded BB gun was found in the backpack of a third grader. We have met with the third and fourth grade classes and the parents of the involved students. The gun was turned over to the proper authorities, SRS was called and the matter is being handled in the manner lined out in the student handbook.

That's it. The End.

WTF??? I'm sorry, but as a parent, this just isn't good enough for me. Why were the parents not informed of this the DAY it happened instead of having to hear it on the NEWS and through the grapevine around town? No freaking wonder there were parents at the school on Thursday morning! This is a small town and the principal could have saved himself a lot of headache if he'd have gotten on the ball and sent that letter home on Wednesday. At this point, I'm really just pissed because I heard it on the street. Now I know no one was hurt and no one was any wiser that it happened and it was an unloaded bb gun and not a rifle and the kid wasn't making malicious threats or anything, but it makes me wonder if we'd have ever found out about it had the rumor mill not been working. This is scary stuff people and IMO anything of this nature should be taken seriously.

I've calmed down a bit about it today, can you tell? lol Imagine what this would have looked like yesterday if I'd have typed it after reading the letter. lol

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A new look . . .

I'm working on a new look for my blog. I finally decided if I was going to give this blogging thing a shot then I might as well have a pretty one. :) A big thanks to Traci for okaying the use of her awesome kit "Be the Change."

I still can't figure out how to get everything sized correctly but this is a start. If anyone reads this and can point me in the right direction I'd love them forever! :) I had a blast designing the header last night and would love to get my background switched out to match and to get some cute little header tags to coordinate. What do you think so far?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Truthful Tuesday

A new category for me - maybe it'll get me blogging more! :)

My truth for the day? Here goes. I'm having a rotten mommy day. We were rushed this morning to get ready because my 3 year old wouldn't do what she was told. I asked her four times to get her clothes on. She finally did that and then it took another 3 times before she got her shoes on. All the while, I was finishing getting myself and my one year old dressed and ready to go out the door. By the time I got ready she STILL hadn't put her shoes on completely and I just lost it. She got a swat and I yelled just a little bit too much (okay, a LOT too much). We did all finally get in the car and headed to town and I was ONLY 15 minutes late for work. *sigh* Of course now I'm feeling guilty for overreacting at such a small thing. But when you're in the moment it just seems like the only thing, kwim?

Rough starts at our house just seem like they make for rough days. I'm trying to get better about that adn to not let my attitude ruin the rest of the day. Today is preschool day so I think I'll take those two hours to relax with Callan and de-stress so we'll have a good evening. Please tell me I'm not the only one out there that has rotten mommy moments.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How real am I?

You Are 77% Real

You know who you are, and you're pretty darn comfortable with yourself.

Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great...

But you're good at accepting who you are and not dwelling on your faults.

As a result, you're confident, optimistic, and very real.


Today is September 11. It's been 7 years since the World Trade Center collapsed. Unbelievable. I remember vividly what we were doing that morning. Paul and I had both taken the day off work so we could attend the state fair with my mom & dad. I was in the living room getting ready when the footage started rolling. I remember Harry Smith on CBS asking a woman on the phone why she thought a plane ran into the WTC because he couldn't see the footage we were seeing - which was obviously a plane hitting the building. :( We were glued to the TV and then to the radio on our way to the fair. Unbelievable.

This day also brings back memories of finding out we were expecting our first child. Corbin just happens to be a "9/11" baby even though we'd been trying for months to get pregnant. It was a coincidence that we finally succeeded so close to 9/11. I remember thinking when we found out that we were pregnant that it was God's way of helping us deal with the tragedies that were going on in the world. To give us hope of a better tomorrow.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who lost or gave their lives in the 9/11 tragedy.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Crayola Color Challenge

How well do you know your crayon names? I thought I knew mine pretty well - but wow! There are some interesting names of crayons these days. :) I managed to get them all with 28 mistakes. I thought I was never going to get them all named! :) Give it a try!

Can you spell?

Okay, I'll admit it, I'm a spelling nerd. I hate misspelling words, I hate to see words misspelled. Always have, always will. I think it dates back to the spelling bees in junior high. Or at least that's what I'm blaming it on. And can I say that I obviously missed one and I can NOT figure out which one it was. It's driving me nuts.

Your Common Spelling Mistake Score: 95% Correct

Your spelling is excellent.

You don't fall for common spelling pitfalls, and you spell almost everything correctly.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Am I the only one?

Frustration set in tonight on my way to our first sorority meeting of the new year (our "year" runs from September to September). There is a woman in our group that constantly has a reason she can't come to the meetings. And it's never a planned reason - like something that has been in the works for a long time and can't be changed. It's always a last-minute thing that pops up and it "turns out" she can't make it. It's just so frustrating for me. I was raised that if you make a committment to something, you honor it - even if something better comes up that you'd rather do. That's just life. We have to make choices about what we do. If you're not planning to fulfill your obligations, why make them in the first place? Of course this is also the person that is gung ho when new projects/socials/events are suggested and planned but then doesn't show up when it's time to put them on. Why should I be surprised? Ugh.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Happy Layout

For one of the monthly challenges at Sweet Shoppe Designs, we were asked to show a layout that makes us happy whenever we look at it. This was a hard thing for me to do because so many of my layouts make me happy. They're mostly about my kids and the things they do - and all of them envoke a sense of pride for me. But happy? Hmm. That's hard to narrow down. I think I'll have to pick a layout I just finished today. Taking the pictures that are included on it was such a joy. Callan is getting so big so quickly and he's doing new things every day. The cozy coupe is his most favorite outside toy right now. You can see the happiness in his face in these pictures. What is better than that?

Who Were You in High School?

I think this described me pretty well. Amazing for only 5 questions. :)

You Were the All American Kid

Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.

You were well rounded and well liked in high school.

What American Accent Do You Have!

I don't have one! Can you believe that? :) Here are my results.

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The West

Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta.

The Midland
North Central
The South
The Inland North
The Northeast

Now get out there and take your own!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Scrap day!

Just a quick note tonight before I hit the hay. I spent most of the afternoon frantically finishing layouts for the SSD challenges. I've got a list of kits I want to buy and that 40% off coupon would really come in handy! I hit the 20 point mark today - only 10 more points to go to hit the 40% off level. Woohoo! Here are a couple of the LO's I finished today. I love the one of Corbin's toothless grin. Of course, I had to buy a special kit just for that page but I know it'll come in handy down the road again too. :) Check them out! Toothless is done with a kit called Grinalicious by Lauren Grier and Melissa Bennett at Sweet Shoppe Designs. Camo's page is done with an awesome kit called Tomboy Princess by Libby Weifenbach at Sweet Shoppe Designs.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Welcome to my blog! I'd love to say that I started this blog to keep the world informed of the exciting events of my life, but if I said that, I'd be lying. I've tried blogging before rather unsuccessfully since it seems that not much in my life is interesting to anyone other than me. ;) This time around, I started it so that I can participate in blog scrapbooking challenges. Can you say "nerd?" Digital scrapbooking is my (relatively) new obsession. I've learned the basics of creating layouts and now I'm looking forward to diving into the deeper aspects and at some point, even start creating elements and papers of my own. There's a long way to go to get to that point, but the journey is the biggest part of the fun, right?

I'm planing for this blog to be a mixture of family tidbits, scrapbooking stuff and just general goodness from my life. Happy reading. It's absolutely ME!